Lord, we bow before You, thanking You for who You are yet again. You are The HOLY ONE! There is none like YOU. Father we thank You that You are our provider. You are good and Your mercy endures forever. Father we ask You to forgive us and help us for the sins and mistakes we do and make. Father help us be more like You. We ask today that You help us to ask, trust, and obey You knowing that You will supply all our need. Help and comfort the ones struggling today when times are so hard. Comfort us and help us to believe Your Word and to put all our faith and trust In You…Our Provider. We thank You and we love You always…JESUS in Your lovely name we pray and ask. Amen :O)
Fill in the Blanks
True or False
1. David’s men wanted to kill Saul while he was sleeping in the cave.
2. Saul acknowledged that his grudge against David was wrong.
3. Saul reminded David that Jonathan was to be the next king.
4. King Saul never chased after David and his men, again.
5. David let Saul go, again, the second time he could have killed him.
Lisa's Other Grade 3-6 Lessons
-- Lisa DeVinney