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World Sunday School first appeared on the Internet on May 14, 2003. Since that time, this independent website has supplied weekly graded Sunday School lessons and handouts (and, often, coloring pages) to help Sunday School teachers worldwide. We hope to help preserve the Sunday School movement which had its glory days in the 1930's. In a time when so many churches are downsizing Sunday Schools, we aim to preserve this Christian teaching to enrich the life of children and youth worldwide.

JUNIOR/ADULT LESSON - October 9, 2022

Scroll down for Middle and Primary Levels

On Your Own
October 9, 2022

Our Sunday school topic for today describes King Hezekiah. He was a holy man, but God gave him great riches just to test him. God put him on his own as a test, just to find out whether Hezekiah, in the midst of success, would still worship his Lord. By doing this, the Lord helped Hezekiah examine his own heart, and make a decision completely on his own.

GOD Bless You All. : )

On Your Own

  1. Ask the students - When someone gives you a gift, do you show thanks?
  2. Ask the students - What if someone was like a gift tree, and they just kept on giving you gifts every day?
  3. If you got used to these gifts, would you forget to be thankful after a while?
  4. Describe King Hezekiah's experience. Ask: Why would God give so much to Hezekiah and then leave him on his own??
  5. What does the Bible say?
  6. Describe the joy and personal reward of a personal decision - all on your own - for Christ
  7. Challenge students to make their own decision this week.
  8. Prayer