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World Sunday School first appeared on the Internet on May 14, 2003. Since that time, this independent website has supplied weekly graded Sunday School lessons and handouts (and, often, coloring pages) to help Sunday School teachers worldwide. We hope to help preserve the Sunday School movement which had its glory days in the 1930's. In a time when so many churches are downsizing Sunday Schools, we aim to preserve this Christian teaching to enrich the life of children and youth worldwide.


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You Matter to God

You Matter to God
June 12, 2022

This week I want us to look at God’s word and see just how much we matter to Him. In today’s world you hear so many people wondering why they are even on the planet, calling themselves worthless and feeling like losers. However, if you have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD which is Christ Jesus, you can NEVER be a loser. All people matter to God, that is why He sent His darling Son to die for our sins. Don’t give in to that lie of the devil that you don’t matter, you certainly do. God loves you and He shows His great love everyday. We are blessed, favored, and protected by our Father. If you have not been born again, you matter too and God wants to bring you into His family. All you must do is believe and call upon the name of the LORD, repenting and asking Him to be the LORD Of your life, surrendering your life and your heart to Him and He wills save you by His marvelous grace!

You Matter to God
June 12, 2022

You Matter to God

Dearest Heavenly Father, I bow before You today, in thanksgiving for all the many blessings in my life and in the lives of all Your children. You are so good and Your mercy endures forever. Father You are HOLY, Righteous and there is NONE like You! I praise You today because You are always in control. I may be up or I may be down but You remain steadfast! Praise Your HOLY name! Father, today I ask that You help us walk in Your Spirit and remember our blessings when the devil is trying to discourage us. Help us to run this race that You have set before us knowing that You have set us up for Victory and that we will always matter to You. Father thank You for loving us, for forgiving us and for being so good all the time. We love You and we praise You. Please help this ministry to reach all the world with Your love, and grace and Your only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST. We will ever love and worship You…In the name of Lovely Jesus we pray…Amen.