Fill in the Blanks
True or False
1. The prophet Zechariah prophesied that Israel’s King would ride a white horse.
2. Jesus told the crowd to be quiet.
3. Jesus wept as He came close to Jerusalem.
4. Jewish leaders stirred up the people, to get them cry out against Jesus’ release.
5. Jesus cursed all those who turned against Him.
Lisa's Other Grade 3-6 Lessons
-- Lisa DeVinney
** Ask your group to listen carefully to the parable
because there will be five questions at the end of this reading
for them to answer.
1. What type of animal was mentioned in connection with describing the crowd of people ? (vs. 34 )
2 How many loaves and fishes were brought to Jesus ? ( vs. 38 )
3. How many baskets were filled with fragments at the end of
the meal ? (vs. 43)
4. Did Jesus bless the meal before it was served ? ( vs. 41 )
5. Was anyone left without food ? (vs. 42)
Suggested follow up activity : Have a table set with enough crackers and juice /water for the whole group.
Instruct the children that they will serve another by bringing a snack to someone in the group.
Remind them to be mindful of their manners by saying "thank you" to the one serving them .
**Before anyone begins to eat , have someone say a prayer of thanks for provision to God for a meal blessing and to bless others that are in the world hungry right now and less fortunate.
Discuss afterwards how it felt to be served as well as serving someone else.
Memory Verse for Today:
Mark 6:37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat.