Return to Bethel (Part 1)
Teacher’s Guide Page
B. Explain the places where Abram goes through on his journey. Sichem means “back; or shoulder” Many times in God’s word we read the shoulder or the back being associated with strength or strengthening. I believe this is a beautiful picture of how our faith begins to grow as we first believe God and step out on the path He has laid out before us. Our faith begins to be strengthened. Next, Abram went unto the plain of Moreh. Moreh means “teacher; or instruction” Isn’t that just how it is. As we go along into the destiny that God has laid out before us, we go through a time of strengthening from the Holy Spirit and a time of learning and instruction. I’m so thankful for the indwelling Holy Spirit that leads and guides us as we go along the path in which we have never been before! He knows the way!
So we see as Abram keeps stepping out in faith little by little and following God into the land of promise. Along the way then we see Abram built an alter to the Lord. He moved on to where Bethel was on the west of him and Hai on the east and He again built an alter unto the Lord and called upon Him. Remember Bethel means House of God. Hai means heap of ruins; or defeat. He could go either way. The choice was his.
There are times on our walk with God we will be tested. Which way will we go? Will we set our face toward Bethel, or will we slip into the place of defeat? The more we set our eyes fixed on the House of the LORD and fellowship with Him in prayer and through His word the more we can stay on the path that He has set before us. (Genesis 12:6-9)
C. Abram’s Fall. (Genesis 12:10-16)
Ooops! What has this great man of faith done? First of all, he has gotten off track and gone down into Egypt. Have you ever started to dwell on the circumstances around you and in fear you get off the path that God has set you on? I sure have. This is where we start our fall downward. Notice it says Abram when down into Egypt. When we decide to go our own way Beloved, we will fall down every single time. Sure, Abraham gained much wealth as he passed through Egypt, but we will see later how this ill gotten gain will cause him much sorrow later on in his journey. So what is to happen to Abraham now? Will God cast him away because of his sin and his fear? Is that the end of Mr. Abraham? He failed, he sinned so will he just give up and stay down in Egypt? Will God be finished with Him now? Let’s look and see. (Genesis 12:17-20)
D. Get back up! Turn around! God is not finished with you yet! You may have fallen but you can get back up and turn around. You can return to Bethel. Repent and move on toward the goal of Christ! (Genesis 13:1-4 ; Romans 3:23; 1John 1:9; Philippians 1:6)