Primary Grade Level Lesson
For Sunday School




Open With Prayer :  Let us ask our Heavenly Father to reveal the promise

He made to all the earth and how His rainbow is a blessed and beautiful

reminder of His promise for all the world to see and know .

Let us thank Him for His everlasting love and mercies.

Memory Verse :

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be
 for a token of a covenant between
 me and the earth.  Genesis 9:13



Honor and glory, thanksgiving and praise,
Maker of all things, to Thee we upraise;
God the Almighty, the Father, the Lord;
God by the angels obeyed and adored.

Thou art the Father of Heaven and earth;
Worlds uncreated to Thee owe their birth;
All the creation, Thy voice when it heard,
Started to life and to light at Thy Word.

Onward the sun and the moon and their march
Span with the rainbow the firmament’s arch;
Stars yet unknown, and whose light is to come,
Find in creation their place and a home.

Earth with the mountain, the river, the plain,
Sky with the dew-drop, the wind, and the rain,
Beast of the forest, wild bird of the air,
All are Thy creatures, and all are Thy care.

Ocean the restless, and waters that swell,
Lightnings that flash over flood, over fell,
Own Thee the Master Almighty, and call
Thee the Creator, the Father, of all.

Yea, Thou art Father of all, and Thy love
Pity for man that is fallen doth move;
Guide us in life, and protect to the last;
And, at Thine Advent, Lord, pardon the past.

Recommended  Bible Reading  : 

12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between
 me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token
 of a covenant between me and the earth.
 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
 that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
Genesis 9

For Teachers:  Summarize for the children - Noah and The Ark /why they were spared /
  and the great flood that occurred .  Let them know that in future lessons we will explore that part of the Bible in greater detail.  For now ,we will look upon the Rainbow that God made and what it means to all of us .** If the children have never seen one, show them the picture on the top of this page -- which was taken this year in the country of Canada by Niagara Falls.     Let  them look to see if they can spot it with their own eyes . 

Suggested Craft:  Have the children draw or paint a rainbow on paper .  They can include anything else they like in the picture .  Family , friends under the rainbow or maybe more of things God made - birds , butterflies , trees ... 

Materials  for today's craft  -  Paper , Crayons, colored pencils  or Paint .


Read Aloud Poetry

rainbow.gif picture by julpisacane

There Was A Rainbow

There was a rainbow, a promise made
There is a place with pure light,
 No darkness or shade.

There are sounding trumpets and sanctified life
A joy-filled atmosphere
 Absent of strife.

There are angels found singing
And heavenly bells
 Are ringing.

There was a rainbow and a promise made.
Our Lord was near us
As we prayed.

There is thankfulness and praise…
Eternal brilliance for
God’s endless days.

There is our Saviour in His crown
And us before Him,
Bowing down.

There is one way to The Door
Where souls rejoice

Julie Pisacane © 2006

 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone:
 and there was a rainbow round about the throne,
in sight like unto an emerald. Revelation 4:3

Revelation  14:14
And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and
upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man,
 having on his head a golden crown,
and in his hand a sharp sickle.


Close with prayer.


Julie Pisacane

March 5, 2023