Opening Prayer: May our heavenly Father help us to see and embrace the protection He has given to all His children as we study the treasures of His precious Word this new day.
Take up the battle cry all along the line;
You shall gain the victory, victory divine,
With your commander nigh, foes in vain combine;
Raise aloft the banner, let it bear the sign.
All the world for Jesus, let the chorus ring;
All the world for Jesus, crown Him King;
All the world for Jesus, let the watchword be
Forward go in Jesus’ name to victory.
Truth’s armor you may claim, faith will be your shield;
Fighting on in Jesus’ name, mighty power you wield;
Glory for God your aim, naught can make you yield;
Shout aloud the triumph sure to be revealed.
Lesson Focus Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
Discussion Questions: Have the children take turns answering .
1. Do you know what a helmet is ?
2. Why is it important to wear one ?
3. Have you ever seen people wearing helmets ?
4. Fill in the blanks to today's Bible verse :
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of_____ and ________; and for an _________, the ________ of salvation.
5. What do you think a breastplate is made for ?
6. While we learn in this lesson verse for today of physical protection , this verse encourages all children of God of what we need and use for spiritual protection.
Coloring Activity :