God Smiled Down






"God Smiled Down"

A little red-headed girl
Afraid of her own shadow
Living in a world of pain
Afraid even of her own mother
She knows life no other way

Yet, God smiled down upon her…

A young woman, barely eighteen
Just learning how to spread her wings
Her first love, turned from kind and true
To one who was mean and cruel
Who kept her beaten black and blue
Who killed her spirit and chased away the light
Once again, all she came to know
Was the pain and fear in her soul
This was her life…

Still, God  smiled down upon her…

A grown woman
Single mother of two
Searching for love and happiness
Where ever she knew
In a bottle of amber liquid
In the arms of strangers
Hurting for too long to care about the dangers
Hurting for too long, lost and stumbling in a world that’s dark
Losing what was left of a once true heart…

Graciously, God smiled down upon her…

A woman who’d given up on love
Determined to live out her days alone
Whose heart and grown cold and empty
Whose soul was bound for hell
Somehow a glimmer of hope prevailed

And God smiled down upon me…

He took my hand
And he placed it in yours
He took my heart
And filled it up once more
He took my soul dark with sin
Forgave them all and put the light back in


He took everything good
Strength, faith, hope, and love
Created a man for me to love
Created a love perfect and true
And gave it life when he gave it to you

God smiled down…  



-- Tammy Hornbeck