Robes of Righteousness                                                 August 8, 2010
Teacher’s Guide

Lesson Plan


  1. Discuss that we are adopted into the family of God after we become born again through Jesus Christ.  We are given a new robe clean and white and we are commanded to stay away from sin.  (1 John 2:1-5)


  1. Discuss the Parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15

In these scriptures, Jesus is not talking about a lost man, he is talking about a saved one, or a son.  We are not adopted sons and daughters of God until we are born again through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5)

So this son decided he wanted something more, and he left His Father’s house.  Aren’t some of us the same way, we decide we want something different.  We listen to the devil and we start to become dissatisfied and we think that the world has more to offer us than the LORD who died for us, then we venture out thinking we can take care of ourselves only to fall into the pit of sin that Satan has dug out for us to trap us.  There we are, in the dirty mud pit of sin, when God told us not to get our robes dirty after He saved us.  We can try to clean ourselves up, we can try to run away, we can try to hide like Adam and Eve did in the garden, but we cannot get away from God’s Holy Spirit because He is living on the inside of us. 

This son realized he had made the biggest mistake of his life, and that he was not worthy to be a son any longer.  Sometimes when we so foolishly turn away from our Father to the things of this world, after a hard lesson of pain, we learn that we made the biggest mistake of our lives.  Oh what a mess we can get into, if we had only stayed in our Father’s house, we wouldn’t be living in the mud with the pigs.  This son knew  that his only hope was in the his father, and he had to go back, even if things were different, even if the Father wouldn’t want him, he had to go back and try.   We realize that our only hope is in Our Father in Heaven, and when we mess up so bad, we know that even if He is angry at us, even though we do not deserve to be a son or daughter any longer, we have to go back and beg for forgiveness, otherwise we will die inside. 

So the son started out on his journey back home to his father, we must do the same.  Sometimes it’s a long way back, but we have to keep going because He is our only hope.  The son finally made it back, he had rehearsed everything he was going to say…he was going to say Father I am not worthy anymore to be your son for the horrible things I have done, please just let me live as a servant to you, I have learned my lesson.  Have you ever felt that way after you did something that was wrong?  Have you ever thought, LORD I don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve to be your child after the things I have done, just let me serve you.  Just treat me as a servant and not Your child because I don’t deserve it. 

We serve THE BEST Father…what happened when this son came just in view?  His father saw him!  He had been waiting for him to come home.  He ran to him and put his arms around him rejoicing that his son was home!!!  Hallelujah, have you ever come back to the Father and you had rehearsed what you were going to say, maybe you thought you would try bargaining with God to once again be in fellowship with you, and as soon as you hit your knees, you felt the loving arms of Your Father around You, and all you could do is weep.  He is happy that you have come back once again.  Just like the father in the parable, Your Father in heaven gives you a new clean robe of righteousness so that you can start over again.  He is so good. 

We must learn, that we do not have to sin, we choose it.  We are human beings so therefore sometimes we will sin, but we should try our VERY best not to.  We have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit of God living inside us to help us run away from sin no matter how appealing it may seem to us.  We must learn that we cannot even go near the mud hole, or the pit of sin because we will fall into it.  We have to learn that we cannot be around those in the mud hole because they will sling mud all over us.  We must be very careful who we spend our time with, what we spend our time listening to, and looking at, what we read, what we eat, and the places we go.  We are sons and daughters of the Most High and we have been clothed in Robes of Righteousness and by His grace we can remain in fellowship with our Father and the blood of Jesus Christ will keep our robes clean!  Praise YOU FATHER!

God Bless You All :O)