The Bible

Primary Grade Level Lesson
For Sunday School



Beginning Prayer :  Start with a prayer of thanks and praise 

to the Lord for  having another day and opportunity to spend time

In His Word. Let us give thanks for being able to learn more about

Jesus through the Holy Bible.



Suggested Materials : 

A variety of different books and  magazines spread out

on  a table  or floor for all the children to see .



Discussion Activity :


Have the children take turns talking about the many different types of books there are.

Have them name what they see.

Ask them if  they like to read funny books,

storybooks, books on history .

Ask them also to name some of their favorite ones.


Next:  Tell the children that The Bible is where we learn

 about Jesus, the Son of God.

The Bible is  like a wonderful  treasure because

this is where we are all able to learn  about the greatest love

ever known throughout the entire universe.

The Bible is the  divine and eternal  truth of God and His Words

 are  honored, loved  and obeyed  by all His children.




Memory Verse for Today: 



Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure:

he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.




Read Aloud Poetry: 



 Ask the children to pay attention

to the poem so that they

can do their best to answer the

question when you

 are finished reading it .




Turn A Page


Turn a page to hear a voice

Of One who helps us make a choice.

Call upon His name this hour

Be saved by His grace and power.


Turn a page to read some more

Of golden gates beyond a door

A door still open for those in need

Of sins forgiven and being freed.



Pages flow perfectly into each other

Encouraging us to love one another.

Turn another, ponder and read

And on His Word, begin to feed.


Living words will take hold

Granting us faith to then be bold…

Bold enough to honor His book

That draws us deeper for another look.


God writes upon each seeking heart

And changes us to become a part

Of His family joined with holy love

Who are entered into His book above.


Seeds of faith are found on each page

Planted in souls throughout each age.

Golden pages help us to see

The glory of eternity.



Julie Pisacane © 2006


Psalm 119:140  

Thy word is very pure:

 therefore thy servant loveth it.


Questions  for the children  based on the poem :


1. Who teaches us about faith and where do we learn of faith ?


2. Where do we learn about the importance of forgiveness ?


3. Where do we learn about becoming part of God’s family  ?



Closing Prayer :   Close with a prayer asking for God's blessing

to be upon the group ,  allowing  all the children  to  be open  to joyful

understanding of The Holy Bible and offer a prayer of  thankfulness

 for  His perfect guidance in His Word .

Ask God's blessing to  be in our lives making His Book

the most importat  one  and the one  we turn to each day

for spiritual nourishment, teachings  and precious

words to live by in loving obedience.





Julie Pisacane
August 29, 2021