He Too






"He Too"


I cannot hear…
For my pain drowns out all sound
I cannot see…
For my tears blind my sight
I cannot feel…
For the hurt is greater than my heart can deal with
My heart alone would surely cease to beat
If this pain was left up to only me
It is not
For now, blessedly, I know God
He too, feels the pain in my heart
He too, is mourning, hurting, praying...
For strength to make it through
For peace for what is unknown
And understanding that God's will is being done
That I am not alone! He too, is here with me
Holding me, comforting me, letting me grieve
And He will be there when the tears finally dry
When He will be there when I once again smile
And He will be smiling with me...
Before Him, I would have been lost
Since Him, I am ever aware of the cost
Of living for me and not for Him And that's one place I will never go again!
So, as bad as I hurt
I could never hurt more than God would hurt
Should I one day turn away
And live again, my own way
But that is not possible
His love is too deep
So for now, we both will weep
And tomorrow, we will both smile
As God and me walk this long mile...




-- Tammy Hornbeck