A  'Child-Spirit' shall lead them,

 (simplified version 0f
father, son, and holy spirit),
Once upon a time, a man named Bill seemed everyone loved Bill,  the only trouble was; Bill is an invisible being,,
Everyone knew 'when Bill was on the scene' ,(they could not 'see' him ),they could feel his presence ,He had an 'uncanny ability' to make them feel love ,real love for him and for all other people,
He had a great influence on people, things seemed  better,as long as Bill was around, it was love at 'first feel' in each of the people, who came in contact with Bill ..............
Everyone wanted to be; 'like; Bill', the best of Father figure, in which to pattern lives ..... All of the ancestors had known Bill, even way back, to the beginning of time, when Bill first created the earth and people, Bill had created them, man out of earth..why Bill even made the sun, moon and all of the stars and placed them all into space, where  he wished them to be.
Soon; people of earth grew smart ,Bill had created and given earth to them, as their home,
The smarter they grew; the more they  wished to 'see' Bill  they want to know; what Bill  looks like ,
They knew; they love him and wanted to be like him, in their hearts Bill had created them, he loved them,from the start,.
("what does Bill look like ?"
people asked , wanting to know,?)
A committee gathers and confronts Bill,
"Bill," the spokesman  started "we wish to be like you , we know you created us ,but Bill...........but no one can 'see' you,
 you are "invisible ..."
"You want to 'see' everything, don’t you ,?" ask Bill
"they can see what you do, but Bill ,you are like wind,")
"you are our 'Bill, you are Love' you are ;'felt' by all of us.
people really wants 'a Bill' they can 'see',"
 We all  have a need to worship someone'",
(you see,Bill had created man to be in his image,
after Bill all other things of heaven and earth)  
"Bill, you are our one and only, BILL, but; you are invisible?, ahhh, but we just know ,you are truly an Awesome Bill,
we have to admit ; you Bill are a Mighty Spirit, of Love,
You control 'all things', because you 'see'  around the curves on our road of every life, We also know that any and all things are possible, with Bill."
"Bill, after you created the earth , ,and of course mankind, 
all animals i know about you creating the first man named Tom ,  who named the animals, each one.of them and we still call them by this name or that name, just as Tom said way, back then .as time first began, 
Because ;'all' Bill has to do is; 'speak' and these living things just 'happen?', (you see,Bill is greater  than any magic,.)
he  'creates with words , plain 'spoken words' like we use today.
Bill ;the "Creator " of  everything'.said it and it happens .........like he said "moon" and there sat the moon,, yes Bill is mighty ,and  BIG...i guess ,you could say he is "mighty Big."
Bill  even
sickness ,health,
living and dying,
man and beast,
devil and angel,
Good and evil
all of these ,
Bill likes 'balance' you know,
he always makes something to balance  as an opposite of what he created, , like he said "sun ,,,,then he said "moon" that is it's image, ..see? like man is; the image of Bill,
Bill is  Mightiest of Creators of all things, everywhere, he is "Bill of All Bills,",
Bill has angels, that he created, for his own use, they are at his disposal, for each and every command.
Bill is  supreme ruler of all creation , he is ,,Big, i mean ;BIG Bill,, there is no other bill beside him, he is 'it,'....he is the main 'Bill of all bills',
Our  Bill, has taken a liking to this little creation, you now call "man", for some reason, known only to .the creator named Bill., seems Bill, wants everyone to love him, so you simply emit and 'show your love" and miracles of all descriptions, to your creation,
yes, you love everyone, all, even the little brown sparrows and lilies of the field, and yes , even me a jenny wren ,  you try everything
but ,people still want to 'see' the real Bill , not what he "does,"
 once they seen you as a 'flame in the bush,' as you talked with Moses... .
they heard you
as a 'donkey talking', when you spoke to prophets of old,
You are 'spirit, but Bill you are invisible ' ,like the wind, but you are  loved, by all Bill. we want to see 'what' ?., we love.
Mankind longs to see you., anxious to 'see' what you look like, so they can love you. . they have a need to love the real Bill,
Bill called his creation "mankind," (because ", you  made us, in your own image, Bill,?"
(then   Bill  does  a marvelous MIRACLE)
he came to earth in human flesh., Bill  was born a 'human being' named "Jesus",
in a miracle birth, to a young virgin,
you were born as  Bill wished  to be born, in a barn where sacrifices are kept. ...he let himself be placed as 'a seed' of himself, in the womb of his own creation, the female part of man 
Bill is better then magic he is awesome,
now you are" born to be the 'King of your creation',
for all of the world to' see.' ......................
At last, a real human Bill, you are bornas  a baby ,? we all can relate to that ....., because all of us started out as a little baby from a seed, of our Father,,when life came into us,we grew bigger and stronger , learning as we grow,
Finally it happened we grow and grow ,and our parents teach of where; we came from ",Bill" , we also now, want to see you, Bill,
So our parents said "look at Jesus, he is the son,
the father and the son are alike ,
now you can see Bill, at last, all of us finally see and know Bill,
I am so glad to know, Jesus started as a little child and now; he can know how we all feel from the youngest to the oldest , when grown, we thank  Jesus ,for coming to teach us about our ' real Bill,' 
Jesus  lives here as a 'real person', He does 'mighty works', he even walked on top of the water of the sea,  
He even spoke to a storm and it stopped blowing, in its tracks, , 
Jesus  make the blind man to 'see' , 
He  touched and healed the deaf , 
He  feed thousands of hungry people ,
out of one little boy's lunch
(and there are "bushels of food"? left over ) ,wow,.
He  does  all kinds of 'miracles,' 
He  have many followers ,
(even today and many  who now, search to find him in each generation,)
One of them, his disciple named; Peter said( because He realized who , this man Jesus was;" Bill himself"),"you are the Christ, you are Bill, our Father God??!!!"
The man named Jesus smiled and admitted to Peter," Man did not tell you this, my 'Father Bill, in Heaven' told you this, and on this Revelation, i will build my church," ( a spiritual church,)
The Jesus even calls out, for a dead man to come back alive and he does,?
all he did was call out, "Lazerath.....come forth"
here old Lazerath come back ot life,
Jesus finally admits it "yes, I and Bill are ONE "(person)
But Jesus, is not believed, by most of the mankind, he knows that even some of his followers, just cant  believe he is Bill, the real Bill
They did not know that Jesus, is really Bill in human flesh,
(this man, named Jesus, in reality is Bill ... He is really Bill, the Creator, the Bill who created Heaven and Earth).
Some people mock " nawww, I know this Jesus , I know who he is. i knew his mom and dad, "Mary and Joseph",
Jesus said, (when asked ), "yes, I am a King , but my kingdom is not of this world, so the religious leaders of that day, "decide that the Jesus has to die,.." we will kill him," crucify.....they cried , many more got into a mob-mentality ,joined in the chanting ,"crucify"
Jesus is ruining the image of their Spirit creator, Bill. it is decided "we will crucify him, that lying man, named Jesus "
The plans go into effect ,but you see Jesus already knew this it was already in the plans, from the beginning of time. it had all been in the Plan of Bill all along,
Jesus , said
"I will lay my life down for you the people of this world,, i created these people and i can lay my life down and i can raise myself back to life again, "
The People even ; torture and slowly killed Jesus (who admitted; he is Bill, )
Because "you pretend to be Bill, you are not Bill, ,you are lying to us (we think) "
Jesus is crucified and the Spirit Bill gets really upset, He made the whole earth shake in his majestic fury,
Jesus calls to His spirit Father "forgive them ,they do not know what they are doing." Bill stops but hedid tear the image curtain in the temple with his 'finger' from the top to the bottom ,
the way back to Bill is finally made,
It happened; the son, Jesus died, but the most marvelous thing happened.
The man Jesus .,comes back alive, is NOW, as the original Bill,  this time he is in a new 'glorified body', that shall never die, it will never age. and never die,and we can see him,
he still looked like the man, named Jesus , but he was now "really the 'Bill' in human glorified flesh,". all of the people who believe in him and follow him,  shall live forever, just as Jesus does, because they have faith in Bill and this story you have heard here ,of how everything began ................and will end.
Bill has promised his followers, that Bill  would come back as the Spirit of Bill ,their Creator, and live inside of them and teach them himself, he said (before he left the earth ot return to Bill, "love one another as i have loved you ," )
The invisible spirit Bill, lit UPON EACH MAN, that Bill , had chosen and wanted to be his own son by adoption,
,There Bill filled them with his invisible spirit of love ,causing a unique joy to fill and overflow them in agape love, going out to all other people,
Jesus is that love ,
God is love
,Holy spirit is love ,
now we can be made in agape Love,
as an adopted son of their still living ,
His children THIS DAY , preparing us for the day when we shall die and go back ot him where we started,
(by jenny wren )
=================the beginning ============