He’s Still in the Fire!
July 24, 2016

Lesson Plan


He's Still in the Fire, by CindyGirl

He’s Still in the Fire
Lyrics by: Tim Mills

My mother read me a story in the Bible long ago.  About Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  The wicked King demanded they be thrown into the flame, because they wouldn’t bow and then deny the Father’s name.  My mother said the King stood high on a balcony so tall and he was shocked when he looked in by all the things he saw.  He thought that he would find them, lying dead upon the ground, but instead of three he counted four up walking all around. 

Oh He’s still in the fire, and walking in the flame.  He’ll be there to help you when you call on Jesus name.  He can still deliver by His Almighty Power.  While here below it’s good to know, He’s still in the fire!

God Bless You

